After a month of making masks for first responders, friends and neighbors, I have tried pretty much every pattern and technique on the internet and have come up with my own pattern that addresses the issue that most of the other patterns didn’t: I have a nose.
Perhaps there is a medical benefit to squashing your nose so hard that moist-talkers’ (thanks, Justin Trudeau) spittle can’t sneak into your nostrils. But as we move from simply using masks to pop into the store for a couple minutes to wearing them for extended periods to protect our communities, comfort is a virtue.
In order to benefit from the nasal glory that is my mask pattern, I do ask a favor. Actually, more than a favor. A pledge.
I, __________________________ do solemnly swear to wear my mask in a safe manner, including, but not limited to: Leaving it on my face instead of pulling it down to my chin whenever someone asks me to repeat something I said, using the ear straps to adjust the mask instead of sticking my germy fingers onto/into the mask, thereby defeating the entire purpose of a mask. I will wash my mask the same way that I wash other items made of fabric, and not spray it with disinfectants and other harsh chemicals that can damage my skin and lungs.
I will proactively shut down lies and/or unfounded conspiracy theories about Covid 19 being a hoax on the internet, or in person, even when they are shared by a friend or relative and it will make me feel uncomfortable to do so. There are doctors, nurses, cleaning staff, and essential workers who barely get paid minimum wage to make my life comfortable who are risking their lives for my right to enjoy those comforts, and to, you know – STAY ALIVE. My momentary discomfort is the least I can do to repay them. (Also, I should probably do some deep soul searching about why I care about making someone, whose misinformation could literally kill people, upset with me.)
I will use my exposed eyes and eyebrows to give major stink-eye to those who refuse to wear masks or give adequate social distance in public places, and I will use my mask-covered mouth to speak up for essential workers who are verbally or physically attacked for asking them to do so.
And most importantly, in November (and always) I will vote for candidates who believe in science, trust medical experts, and who value the lives of their constituents even after they receive their vote.
And now, the mask. (Download the PDF version through the link vs trying to download the actual image shown.)

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